Thursday, July 26, 2007


Originally uploaded by gr8what
I think it is just time for another puppy picture. They are doing so great! They are really growing up. I am working with them on various tricks. They already know how to shake hands. Very cute.

I am working with Tichka on "Little Bark." I waggle my fingers at him and he gets a treat if he doesn't bark, but whines or makes a little cough. It's pretty cute. I am also working with him on roll-over.

I am working with Tizi on roll over and play dead. She is very smart and is getting the idea. I know we would make faster progress if I could work with her without Tichka insisting on being present!

Tichka is funny. He is much more manic than Tizi is. He will look at me in desperation trying to figure out how to get a treat. He'll fling himself into a down, thrust his paw at me, bark; anything to MAKE me give him a treat NOW!!

We are working on impulse control with him.

They are so wonderful.

Howze she doing

Everyone who sees her says she looks great, but I think she looks tired.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


I dropped Gail off at dialysis this afternoon. After a chai at Starbucks, where I am too cheap to pay for internet access, I came to the Watsonville library. What a nice little library this is. Very quiet and pleasant, and easy to get online. I didn't find a place I can plug in, but it is still nice.

I found a website the other day for the American Association of Kidney Patients. It has a web based site where you can load information about medications, doctor visits, doctor names addresses etc. I thought it might be useful to put Gail's stuff on there. Probably mostly useful as a way to make me feel like I am staying in control.

When I got here, I opened the black binder where I was keeping all her medical information and opened it up. I don't think I have opened it since she had the catheter installed, because all these feelings of fear and anxiety just washed over me. I was right back in that place where I was so afraid that she wouldn't agree to go on dialysis until she was really sick.

The last date I have in there is December 19, 2006, when we met with the dietician at the dialysis center.

We have come a long way since then. Dialysis three times a week; she has never missed. We are old hands at it now.

Now my anxiety is banked. I worry about her catheter getting infected, or knocked around by the dogs. I worry that the catheter will fail and she won't have a fistula. I guess they could do another catheter on the other side of her chest. It has taken much much longer to get the transplant than we expected, and I only hope that the catheter holds on until they call.

All the medical info I entered on the site is probably moot by now. I think dialysis changes everything. I need to get her past lab reports from when she has been on dialysis and enter those.

I think she is doing well on dialysis, but... I think she is getting tireder and tireder. Her phosphorous was too high last time, and she needs to further restrict her fluid intake. In the last week or so, it has felt like she shifted to being a resident of dialysis land, instead of being the day visitor we thought she would be, and then the tourist she turned into. Now she lives here. And me with her.

Thursday, July 19, 2007


Dave sent an email a couple of days ago inviting me to stand in for him and the other pastors at church in a few weeks. This is proof, not of God, but that, if there is a God, she has a sense of humor.

I accepted, because I enjoy public speaking, but I have no idea what I will say. It's an interesting process to go through. What would I want to tell people that would be meaningful and interesting?

I'm thinking about talking about waiting, since that is sort of our motto this year. Talk about how waiting burns up your time unless you use that time well. We are waiting for the pups to mature, but need to enjoy them as they are now, and miss what they have already changed out of.

Maybe conscious waiting is what is called Buddha and waiting and see what I can find!

A sermon. Pretty funny...

Sunday, July 15, 2007


Originally uploaded by gr8what
How cute are they?

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Hah! It's mine now, all mine!!

Hah! It's mine now, all mine!!
Originally uploaded by gr8what
Tizi graduated from Family Dog I class this morning, after a romp on the beach and breakfast at Kelly's. We were so proud! She is such a smart, cute, friendly little pup. We are just delighted with her!

Gail has been really tired lately. I think the dialysis is really wearing her down.

4th of July

Before the party
Originally uploaded by gr8what
The party was great this year. The back yard was sunnier than in the past, because we took some trees down. But we had a great time nonetheless.

It is so much fun to have this party every year.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Tichka smelling the flowers

Tichka smelling the flowers
Originally uploaded by gr8what
He's been tearing around with Tizi, rolling and tumbling in a roiling mass of puppiness when he stops a moment to smell how nice the hydrangeas are in the evening.

Tizi relaxing in the garden

Tizi relaxing in the garden
Originally uploaded by gr8what
After a rousing game of chew on my ear and slobber on your collar, Tizi takes a moment to contemplate her happiness.

Uh oh!

Uh oh!
Originally uploaded by gr8what
The two little rascals figured out how to get in the house and they had a grand old time making mischief! What are you gonna do? Here is Tichka, as innocent as he can be!

Mud =Fun!

Mud =Fun!
Originally uploaded by gr8what
This is an old picture of the puppies from January, but it is my favorite. Look how cute they are! Tichka is on the right and Tizi is on the left. We have been working in the garden, and they are covered in mud!

I haven't been blogging much. Gail's blog has become the main way to tell the world what is happening, but it might be good for me to keep this one up as well.

Status report: Gail: She has been on dialysis since December 13th, almost 7 months. We never thought it would take this long. Her transplant coordinator says they just haven't been receiving type A organs. He said today that she is one of the top 5 or 6 on the regional list, so she could be the best fit for the next organ that comes in of her blood type. Or it could take some time. The more we know, the further off it seems, so that is a little depressing.

Robin and Sachi pick her up after dialysis every Tuesday and Thursday, which is of immeasurable value. They aren't available for the next three weeks, and it is just a bear trying to figure out the easiest way to get her home. I think I am getting it worked out tho, with a little help from our friends. I realized that it is easier for me to ask for help than it is for her. So I did, and everyone responded quite wonderfully.

Status report: Puppies: They are wonderful and smart and cute and rascally. They just turned 8 months old, and they appear to be willing to sleep a little later in the morning. That is a relief, because we were pretty much being awakened at around 5:15 every morning!

Status report: Me: I'm fine, I guess. Gail is doing the heavy lifting, and I am trying to support her. Sometimes I find myself being irritated by her passivity, but I think she is just tired. I will be so glad when the transplant is over.