Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Cumbres and Toltec Railroad
Cumbres and Toltec Railroad
Petroglyph National Monument
Camel taste on a donkey budget!
Del Mar
Acoma Pueblo
Canyon de Chelly
Canyon de Chelly
Sunday, August 14, 2005
At the Meteor Crater
Vacations are good.
At the Meteor Crater
Meteor Crater
It is essentially a very large hole in the ground. It is so large, they claim breathlessly, that you could hold 20 football games at once with 2 million people watching from the sides.
More Space House
On the Road to Santa Fe
I have never seen things like this in any country but America.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Balanced rocks
Who knows?
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
What's wrong with this picture?
They don't treat their medical needs by following the medical practices of 2000 years ago. Why do they treat their spiritual needs by following the spiritual practices of 2000 years ago?
If god's word doesn't change, how can he speak to me in my ever changing world?
Monday, July 11, 2005
The two events are not equal in impact or in horror. The fire at the church was quickly extinguished, and no one was killed. But nonetheless, the motives were the same. To terrorize innocent people into not standing up for what they believe in. My heart goes out to the members of the Middlebrook church. I don't know if their church was actively involved in marriage equality, or even how their representatives voted on the issue. But they are suffering on my behalf, and I appreciate it.
A Londoner set up a website called http://www.werenotafraid.com/ as a way to show the world that terrorist would not change the way people lead their lives. It is a very moving site.
I stand with the Londoners and with church in Middlebrook.
We're not afraid.
Friday, July 08, 2005
As people say, we are all Londoners today. There is something so foundational to me about London. When I stood before the tomb of the first Queen Elizabeth, I don't know why I burst into tears, except that it felt like the beginning place of so much that we love and hold dear.
Two friends from England were visiting us a few years ago, not long after 911, and as we were talking about New York, I just started crying. They were very supportive and sweet; and now I think about them being in the same emotional place.
I found this picture on Flickr, and I think it is so evocative of the Brits. Polite and generous, yet sturdy and brave. The thing that makes my heart swell is the resilience of the Londoners. They are indeed a "plucky lot," and I am proud to count them as part of my ancestral heritage.
There are more photos on Flickr of the bombings in London if you are interested in seeing pictures taken by non-news folks who happened to be there. Just click on "london sign, by wildfalcon," and poke around a little.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Laughing on the 4th
My favorite was Julian, who is just four, and who wanted to jump. And jump he did to thunderous applause.
It was a great day to be with friends.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
My favorite memory of Zoli is when he would sing with us. He would tilt his head back and warble, so excited by the sounds we were all making together.
He will be sorely missed.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Con Brio at Sunset Center
It was a wonderful collaboration between three wonderful music organizations and a skilled composer.
Having the opportunity to participate in such a glorious adventure is worth the lack of sleep!
This picture is of some of the kids who participated. Con Brio is the highest level of five different choruses in the Cabrillo Youth Chorus. These kids are fabulous! They rock!
Click on the link under the picture for some more photos of this event.
Sunday, May 15, 2005
I have never had the pleasure of meeting Pixel, but I have heard much about her. She sounds like a real cutie pie.
Even though I really like dogs best, I try to be open and affirming, so...
Pixel, Welcome to Casa de Babas!
Saturday, May 14, 2005
Diversity Partnership
Margaret and Clare came to give their well-rehearsed presentation. The County Clerk also came; she is a very welcome ally to gays and lesbians, expecially around the marriage issue.
And our friend Maria gave an eloquent and impassioned speech about the importance of the Diversity Partnership's funding of Triange Speakers.
It was a great morning for a great cause. And my Gail cooked a ton of GREAT FOOD!
To see a few more pictures, click on "Let's Eat!"
Sunday, May 08, 2005
FCC Blessing Ceremony
The choir sang, the church's jazz quintet played and sang. The happy couples each spoke a little about themselves and introduced their families. They have been together for two years, or thirteen years, or twenty-two years. Some have children, some have dogs and cats. All of them were in love, and were deeply touched by the event. These families stood together before God and their community, and their love was joyously celebrated.
You never know how much you hunger for something until it is offered to you.
It was a wonderful afternoon, filled with love and support, followed by a great party!
For more pictures, click on the captian below the photo of Tom and Larry.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
The thing that amazes me is that radio is so much more interesting than TV. The other night, I was listening to a show on influences. I came into the middle of a series where they talked to a professor who had influenced someone, and then they interviewed a student who had influenced the professor. Next they will interview someone who had influenced the student. A whole series of people who had influenced each other. What a great idea, and how interesting it was to hear them talk about each other.
I guess I could have watched someone eating worms on TV, but this was so interesting! I love radio.
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Puppy Odalisque
I have suggested that they name her Odalisque, because she is such a flirt!
Saturday, March 26, 2005
The Joys of Bureaucracy
For example, consider this statement from a nearby Purchasing Department:
"The focus of the Division is now on strategic procurement rather than the tactical processing of paperwork."
I must admit that in all my 25 years as a bureaucrat, I have never actually considered the tactical processing of paperwork.
Clearly a failure of imagination on my part.
Saturday, March 19, 2005
Long Time Friends
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Gimme a kiss
Saturday, February 26, 2005
We are family!
Click "We are Family" under the photo to see the rest of our pictures from that day!
San Francisco Anniversary
Couples filled every available space, up to the highest balcony, waiting patiently for Mayor Gavin Newsome to appear. When he finally arrived, the crowd erupted in a joyous cry of thanks to the man who made it happen. He gave a rousing, empassioned speech, and then invited Phyllis Lyons and Del Martin up on stage, again to thunderous applause. Afterwards, Newsome moved into the crowd, shaking hands, signing autographs, and posing for pictures.
We had many friends there, and we felt united with strangers and friends alike.
Gail and I are holding on to our marriage license, because it is real for us. It is just a matter of time until this country, this beloved country, once again takes a lurching, wrenching step into a new era of equality. I believe with all my heart that the day will come when the courts will declare that Gail and I have the same rights to marry each other that my brothers and sister have to marry the people they love. It is very simple, really. We are good people, we pay taxes, we go to church, we own property together, we care for each other, and we deserve the protections of marriage. We're waiting....
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Las Quatro Amigas
My sister was upset when she found out we went to Mexico without letting her know ahead of time. I don't understand what would worry her. We ate tamales from a street vendor, went through a couple of checkpoints manned by heavily armed 17 year olds, went off-roading on a deserted caliche road outside of town, tried unsuccessfully to find a place to go wine tasting, purchased retin A and vioxx without prescriptions, wandered around a large deserted stone circular building that looked like it was invented for Myst, and generally had a good time.
What could possibly have gone wrong?
If you click on the tag under the picture, you'll be able to view the rest of the pictures.